Pointe Assessment Screen Shah Edison (PASSE) for Pointe Readiness: A Pilot Study

In Research

J Dance Med Sci. 2024 Dec 26:1089313X241307736. doi: 10.1177/1089313X241307736.


Selina Shah 1Jacquelyn Valenzuela-Moss 2Dana Sheng 3Tishya A L Wren 2Tracy Zaslow 4Bianca Edison 2


Introduction: As demanding as dancing en pointe is, no universal standard exists to determine when a ballet dancer is ready to advance to this next level. The goal of this study was to provide preliminarily tested and reliable guidelines for a screening tool that can be used to determine (1) if a dancer is ready for pointe, (2) reasons why a dancer may not be ready, and (3) areas for improvement to guide training and preparation. Methods: Participants: Seventeen dancers aged 9 to 17 years with a minimum 4 years of ballet and who were either possibly ready for pointe or had been in pointe class less than 3 months participated in this study. Study Design: Dancers were prospectively assessed by two physicians using the Pointe Assessment Screening Shah Edison (PASSÉ) tool for assessing pointe readiness. Interrater reliability and the relationship of individual tests to overall pointe readiness were evaluated using descriptive statistics, kappa, diagnostic metrics, and logistic regression. Setting: Private practice office; ballet studios. Results: There was 94% agreement among raters in determining overall pointe readiness, and individual tests all had significant interrater agreement ranging from 62% to 97% (P ≤ .04). Ankle plantarflexion >90° (100%), stability in grand plié (100%), and holding relevé (96%) had the highest sensitivity for overall readiness, indicating their necessity to advance to pointe. The tests with greatest specificity for identifying lack of readiness were relevé passé (72%), sauté (72%), and airplane (69%). Conclusions: This study provides preliminary testing of a reliable screening tool, the PASSÉ screen, which can be utilized to determine pointe readiness with excellent interrater agreement for the overall pass/fail and significant agreement for tests that contribute to readiness. At minimum, dancers must be able to pass the grand plié, ankle plantar flexion, and relevé tests. Also passing the sauté, relevé passé, and airplane tests indicates high likelihood of readiness.