
Dancing through Covid-19

Published on the Dance Well Podcast, March 2020 Everyone around the world is thinking about the pandemic, covid-19, and dancers have been affected by this crisis in unique and specific ways. Exploring how this complex situation is manifesting in the dance community, Episode 64: Dancing through covid-19, includes interviews with…
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Staying Active During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can make it challenging to maintain a physically active lifestyle. COVID-19 is spread by someone sneezing or coughing into the air or onto a surface, and then the virus enters and infects a new person through their mouth, nose or eyes. The most up-to-date information about…
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Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome

Introduction The most common location for injury in dancers and many other athletes is the foot and ankle. The back of the ankle is a common location for pain that can develop gradually with dance, especially in ballet dancers on pointe. Many dancers assume that this is Achilles tendonitis. However,…
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Track and Field Athlete for Stress Fracture

Stress Fractures

Stress fractures are commonly seen in sports medicine all year long especially with sports such as track-and-field, cross-country running, soccer, and basketball. A stress fracture is a type of break in the bone that occurs over time. With activity, especially impact such as running or jumping, the bones are placed…
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The Core: Why is it Important?

Why the core is important? Whether you are a football player, a tennis player, a dancer, a musician, or a gymnast, or any other athlete, you need a strong core. Think of your core as a sturdy board from which moving parts dangle. The stronger the core, the better everything…
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Suffered an Injury? Now What?

In general, being active and exercising are beneficial to health and well-being. However, all physical activity carries risk of injury. So what do you do when you get injured? Let’s back up a bit; how do you know if you’ve been injured? You may see physical signs such as swelling,…
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Tennis Ball

Tennis Elbow

Wimbledon is around the corner so it is good time to think about tennis injuries! Tennis players can suffer from overuse sports medicine injuries, often involving some part of the arm. One of the more common sports injuries affecting tennis players is “tennis elbow”, also known as lateral epicondylitis, in…
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Ballet Dancer 5 positions

Summer Dance Intensives- Remember to Eat and Hydrate

As spring recital season comes to a close, young dancers from all over the world are getting ready for summer dance intensives. Summer dance intensives have become routine in recent years. For many, this will be the first time spending time away from home with the heavy responsibility of caring…
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Swimmer Picture

Swimmer’s Ear

It is summer break and many of you will enjoy some time swimming in the pool along with other water activities. Prolonged, frequent exposure to the water can put you at increased risk for developing an infection in the external canal of the ear (between the head and ear drum)…
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