
Pointe Assessment Screen Shah Edison (PASSE) for Pointe Readiness: A Pilot Study


As demanding as dancing en pointe is, no universal standard exists to determine when a ballet dancer is ready to advance to this next level. The goal of this study was to provide preliminarily tested and reliable guidelines for a screening tool that can be used to determine (1) if a dancer is ready for pointe, (2) reasons why a dancer may not be ready, and (3) areas for improvement to guide training and preparation.

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Comparison of Pre-season, Mid-season and Post-season ImPACT and SAC Concussion Management Scores in Uninjured Collegiate Football Players


Concussions are frequent injuries in athletes participating in contact sports. Many different tests are used to evaluate players suspected of sustaining a concussion, and to help determine when they are safe to return to play. The SAC test is the most frequently used on-field assessment. A new computerized neuropsychological test battery, ImPACT, has been adopted by the NFL and many collegiate football teams. Validity and reliability studies have been performed for injured vs baseline scores. The purpose of our study was to determine if there is a difference in SAC and ImPACT scores when uninjured football players, who were involved in repetitive contact activity, are tested pre-season, mid-season, and post-season.

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Increased Drug Delivery to the Brain by P-Glycoprotein Inhibition


Although the antidiarrheal loperamide is a potent opiate, it does not produce opioid central nervous system effects at usual doses in patients. On the basis of in vitro studies demonstrating that loperamide is a substrate for the adenosine triphosphate-dependent efflux membrane transporter P-glycoprotein, we postulated that inhibition of P-glycoprotein with quinidine would increase entry of loperamide into the central nervous system with resultant respiratory depression.

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Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy-Associated Rhabdomyolysis with ARF


Intraoperative rhabdomyolysis with resultant acute renal failure is a rare complication seen, most commonly, with urologic surgical procedures. Since the early 1990s, the refinement of laparoscopic techniques has permitted their application more broadly. Among the procedures to benefit from these less invasive surgical methods has been radical nephrectomy. In general, this has resulted in less postoperative pain and shorter convalescence.

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